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Educational Philosophy

St. Andrew School, as a Catholic Institution of Education, strives to promote friendly relations and foster a spirit of understanding among its students. Its educational goal is not only to further the salvation of souls, but also prepare its students to take their places in today’s society for the good of all humanity and the shaping of a better world. In consort with the parents, it is our aim to educate the whole child — spiritually, morally, physically, and academically.
Our Catholic education seeks to foster personal charity, generosity, and respect for the sacredness of all humanity. The goals for St. Andrew are of two kinds:


Personal Goals: 

These goals are based on the individual child’s needs for adequate physical care, recognition, acceptance, affection, effective use of leisure time, intellectual and cultural development, in a Christian atmosphere of caring and understanding.


Community Goals: 

These goals are based on the need for peace among nations, justice, and charity among religious and ethnic groups.


We strive to attain these goals through the following objectives:

  • Foster in the entire school community an understanding of God's love for each individual, a true love of God within the child and an awareness of his or her responsibility within the Church through the celebration of Mass, through daily prayer, and through religious instruction in the Catholic Faith.
  • Develop in our students an awareness of their Christian social responsibilities to accept all people, to be understanding and caring, and to display fairness in all activities.
  • Provide opportunities for all students to work for the development of personal relationships, human communication, and Christian witness. Develop leadership through classroom activities, school worship, liturgies, curricular and extracurricular activities, and service to the community.
  • Encourage and provide for an effective use of school facilities and as a supplement to our facilities, incorporate municipal and area resources into the students' learning experience.
  • Develop an appreciation of the arts and sciences through field trips.
  • Help the students develop the capability of meeting the moral, mental, and physical challenges they will encounter in today's world.
  • Make effective use of the course of studies, as provided by the Diocesan Office of Education, to provide stimulating academic opportunities.
  • Develop in our students a true sense of charity, respect for authority, and a love for all God's people.